Cookson Ranch Foundation is a California non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. All donations made to the Foundation are tax deductible!
Cookson Ranch's continued operation is based on generous donations from you!! You make the biggest difference in keeping the Ranch going!
Donations can now be made two ways:
1. Checks
Please make checks payable to "Cookson Ranch Foundation".
Checks can be mailed to: Cookson Ranch Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 973, Blue Lake, CA 95525
2. Online
We now accept donations via PayPal. PayPal provides a safe & secure way to donate using your credit and/or debit cards.
Click here to go to PayPal. You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a donation.
A donation-specific list of items that are needed at the Ranch, as well as list of current projects that you can donate to! STAY TUNED!!